Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captain MS Dhoni will turn producer for mega star Thalapathy Vijay’s film, as per some reports floating in media. It was announced in May itself that Dhoni is eyeing an entry into the Kollywood as producer. News 18 writes that Dhoni himself dailled up Vijay and asked him to star in his film. And the actor, who is also doing ‘Thalapathy 66’ has also accepted the offer from the former Indian captain. That means it is going to be a double bonanza for fans.
The reports also state that Thalapathy Vijay will be releasing the first look of the his film Thalapathy 66 on on June 21 while he will announce his association with MSD on June 22, which is also the actor’s birthday. Not just that, Dhoni fans will also witness the former captain make his silver screen debut in a small role in the film, as per the report.
Dhoni has been planning to launch his own production house called Dhoni Productions and a couple of more Vijay films may be produced by the same house.
Before this, a film on Dhoni’s life has also come out called MS Dhoni: The Untold Story. The lead role was played by late Sushant Singh Rajput while the film also gave debuts to Kiara Advani and Disha Patani. But that film was not produced by Dhoni but his close friend and business partner Arun Pandey.
There are also reports that famed actor from South India Nayanthara will star in one of the films produced by Dhoni Productions. These are signs that Dhoni is about to begin a new innings and is looking to do it with a bang. By roping in superstar actors, he will ensure that he has eyeballs when the film is released.
As fas as cricket is concerned, Dhoni will return for CSK as captain in IPL 2023. He had announced it himself during the last match of CSK in IPL 2022 that he is not done yet and would like to finish his IPL career in front of home crowd.