Having your own business entails many responsibilities and the self-employed person has to bear in mind a series of unforeseen events that may affect them during the exercise of their activity.

Having it well insured is a guarantor of continuity. We explain how to do it in the best way.

Freelance Insurance

The main insurances that a freelancer has to contract are Civil Liability (RC), to protect him against possible damages caused to a third party; and sick leave or accident, to compensate you in the event of temporary or permanent work incapacity.

In case of habitual use of the car, as is the case of taxi drivers or commercials, it will be necessary to take out Auto insurance.

In addition, it is very convenient to have Health, Life or Multi-risk insurance, to cover contingencies in the workplace (office, business, workshop, home itself…).

What Insurances are Mandatory if you are a Freelance?

Depending on their activity, some freelancers are required to take out certain insurance. Obviously, if their activity requires the use of a vehicle, as is the case with carriers, they will have the obligation to take out Auto insurance, with a minimum coverage for third parties.

The RC is also mandatory in professions with a high risk of causing damage, such as gas or electricity installers, lawyers or health personnel, as well as self-employed persons with a commercial premises (in the latter case, a Multi-risk must also be available to cover the premises before fires and robberies).

And if you have staff in charge, you must have the Convention insurance.

Civil Liability Coverage for Freelance

The self-employed person is solely responsible directly and indirectly for everything that happens around his business.

Whether it is exercising his professional activity (such as a mistake when repairing a car in his workshop that causes an accident) or as its owner ( such as a burst pipe in your office causing leaks in the apartment below).

That is why it is necessary to have a RC that covers you for material and personal damages caused to other people so that you do not have to face these claims with your personal assets or that of your company.

Exploitation Civil Liability Coverage

The RC Exploitation coverage will protect the freelancer against third-party claims for personal, material and patrimonial damages derived from events directly related to the development of the professional activity.

Employer Civil Liability Coverage

The Employer’s RC is an exclusive coverage for self-employed workers who have hired or subcontracted personnel to cover possible accidents that these people have.

Legal Defense Coverage

Legal Defense coverage is very interesting to cover all legal procedures that may arise from the claim of an affected third party.

Professional Civil Liability Coverage

Lawyers, architects or doctors are very exposed to receiving complaints for their activity, so they should contract Professional Liability coverage that covers them for omissions or errors.

How much does Freelance Insurance Cost?

Depending on the activity of the freelancer (being a plumber is not the same as being a graphic designer or an outdoor leisure monitor) the price of their insurance will vary, as well as their billing volume and the coverage they want to include.

Even so, a freelance who does not bill more than 100,000 euros a year could take out a RC policy from 120 euros.

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