New Delhi: Now it’s the Google Pixel 7 Pro, which went live online immediately after the Pixel 7 prototype was discovered on eBay. On Reddit, a user stated that he had hands-on experience with the Google Pixel 7 Pro, which he purchased from the Facebook marketplace in the NXT listing, only to discover that it was listed as the Google Pixel 6 Pro. The live photos of the Google Pixel 7 Pro were then posted by slashleaks.
The prototype of the Pixel 7 has been spotted for sale by Android critic Mishaal Rahman. The Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel Watch, and Pixel Buds Pro were all unveiled at Google’s I/O 2022 event earlier this year, ahead of its release later this year. Read More:
The Google flagship smartphones are scheduled to be released later in 2022, around August. Read More:
The redesigned design of Google’s future Pixel 7 devices has been revealed. At the same event, Google announced the much-anticipated Pixel 6a, as well as confirming that it will be available in India later this year.
Returning to the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro, the new Google gadgets will have a new design language. The gadgets have a dual-tone finish, an aluminium visor on the back panel, and a glass back panel.
The devices will be available in two colours: white and grey.
The Google Pixel 7 is expected to have a 6.3-inch display, as opposed to the Pixel 6’s 6.43-inch display. The Pixel 7 Pro, on the other hand, will have a 6.7-inch 120Hz LTPO display. The Pixel 7 will, however, have a non-LTPO display with a refresh rate of 90Hz. The Tensor processor, which will be utilised in the future Google phones, and their Samsung modem were previously revealed with the codenames.