NEW DELHI: Actor Saif Ali Khan had a get-together with his children from first wife Amrita Singh – Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan. The trio was spotted at a Mumbai restaurant on Saturday. Saif recently wrapped up shooting for ‘Vikram Vedha’, which also stars Hrithik Roshan. Sara was earlier shooting for Laxman Utekar’s next while Ibrahim was working as an assistant director on Karan Johar’s directorial, ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’.
Sara, who joined her family for the outing post her gym session, was seen in a white crop vest and ripped shorts. She accesorised her look with a cap and colourful shoes. As the video of them was shared on Instagram by a paprazzo account, a fan commented, “Sooo cute dad and daughter duo.” Another gushed, “Pataudi’s.” Many called Sara ‘stunning’.
The father-son duo were also seen causally dressed up for the occasion.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Saif Ali Khan recently finished shooting ‘Vikram Vedha’ remake The movie also stars Hrithik Roshan. Further, Sara Ali Khan will be soon seen working with Vicky Kaushal in a Laxman Utekar directorial. Ibrahim is also ready to dip his toes in Bollywood but not as an actor. He is working as an AD on Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt’s ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’.
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